My Projects / Code

Banana Speak

September, 2021

A fun translator app use api to translate the text entered and returns in minion language

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Stock profit/loss

September, 2021

A profit loss calculator checks the p/l % of your holdings

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Navi Speak

September, 2021

A fun translator app uses api to translate the text entered and returns in navi language

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September, 2021

A General-Quik quiz using node.js

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Flipkart page

June, 2021

A simple static shopping website page done by using HTML and CSS. and making it resposive by using media queries and the images are from unsplash api

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September, 2021

An expense tracking calculator made by using HTML, CSS, Bootstrap & JavaScript VanillaJS

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Is your birthday lucky

September, 2021

Check your birthday is lucky or not by entering DOB and your lucky number..!

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September, 2021

Sliding tiles game 2048

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Chat Application

October, 2021

Chat application built using react and uses hooks and axios for state management and api calls

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Cash Register Manager

September, 2021

Checks the bill amount and calculates the change to returned

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Music Player

November, 2021

Which has all simple functionality of music player such as Play, Pause, Next song, Previous song, Audio seeking

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Form validation

December, 2021

A survey form which validates the data using Regular expression and styled with CSS by adding Glassmorphism effect with some animations.

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December, 2021

Create your own high score.

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Dev Connector

28th June,2021

A full blown MERN stack application this is my ongoing project facing many bugs which i have created and learning from it by resolving them and extensively testing it for authentication by using postman you can only view the soucre

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